Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura
Gwen: Fumatrice matura


Modella: Gwen

star star star star star  16 opinioni

Video hd


Durata: 27 min.

HD: 798 MB / low: 196 MB

Gwen: Fumatrice matura

Video Preview

Son passati 2 anni dall'ultimo video di questa nostra ben nota modella, ma gli spettatori saranno sicuramente contenti di vedere che Gwen è sempre pronta per essere filmata e per fumare per loro. Guardando questo video si può vedere come il suo modo di fumare sia diventato ancora più intenso, mettendosi nella condizione di essere considerata una fumatrice matura. Fran è stato capace di catturare in queste immagini la pesante dipendenza di Gwen, unita alla sua unica bellezza.

Lo stile di fumare di Gwen è semplicemente il top: la padronanza di tutti i tipi di tecniche e di trucchi del fumare la rendono ancora più elegante e glamour. Dobbiamo anche ricordare il fatto che Gwen è anche una fumatrice dipendente, notturna. Per molti anni si è svegliata ogni notte intorno alle 05.00 per fumare una sigaretta, prima di cadere nuovamente profondamente addormentata, sotto l'effetto calmante della nicotina.

Gwen indossa tre abiti diversi in questo video di 27 minuti. Ci sono molti primi piani, che purtroppo mostrano come la pelle di questa modella sia invecchiata nel corso degli ultimi 2 anni, mostrando i segni di un evidente abuso di fumo pesante. E' una fumatrice così accanita il tipo di donna con cui vorreste condividere la vita?

Questo video si può scaricare sia in alta definizione HD-1080p sia in HD-720p. Codec del video: MP4 (h264).
Misura: HD: 798 MB / low: 196 MB.
Codice del Video Clip ssw21-gwen
Questo video è incluso nel Smoking Girls Vol.21

16 opinioni 

Love Her

star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Anonymous
"Gwen is, if memory serves, the subject of the photo that greets us all as we arrive at this site, and is therefore the subject of the best photo that's ever been taken of a woman smoking. Ever. Anywhere. Anytime. I truly truly TRULY hope that her photo on the home page will always be the symbol and principal image of this wonderful site, because it just does not get any better than that: it COULD not get any better. This video? It's... More

Please again

11 anni fa, per SF
"Simply amazing. Please get her again. She's too perfect to lose."


star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Sandra
"trop belle femme exxtante jolie bouche bonne respiration j adore"

The goddess

star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Sir D.
"Gwen is always amazing, and i'm very glad that you decided to film her again. I loved the scenes of her wearing the baseball hat. It is true that Gwen's smoking skills are often underrated, as she is in the top 5 smokers on the site in both terms of style and beauty. Her beauty can only be described as perfection... I personally would not describe her as mature but as a woman in her prime with many beautiful years ahead of her. Thank yo... More


11 anni fa, per Jim
"Gwen has been a favorite of mine for a while. Its nice to have another video of her. Glad to see she is still smoking. I still have a hard time imagining her sweet innocent lungs actually wanting all that smoke! So amazing"


star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Scott
"As soon as you put up a video of Gwen I download it. She is possibly even more gorgeous than in previous shoots.
The scenes where she seems to be right next to you in bed smoking for you are fantastic. A smoke lovers dream."

I love her

11 anni fa, per Demian
"Gwen is for me forever a best smoking girl, which I know... Thanks lot for this new collection!"

Nice to see Gwen again.

11 anni fa, per Eleuthero
"I always felt Gwen was vastly underrated. Nobody ever compared her skills to Alazne or Vanessa and many others. Yet those who got the first Gwen video saw that her inhales are so very deep that it takes at least three strong exhales to stop the residuals from leading out. As far as looks go, she's just an absolute fox. She has a more mature sexiness than Rosy, Vanessa, and other models who are certainly lovely but do not have the polish... More


star star star star star
11 anni fa, per John
"Gwen always a great watch and all her videos are '' 5 star ''....I especially like the one of her in ''lingerie '' so sexy."

Georgeous Smoker

star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Sam Mans
"Gwen smokes continuously drag after drag, she takes generous sized drags and is very consistent. Chain smoking hottie babe is so pretty. I wish I was laying beside her in these scenes. she has a genuine look in her eyes. a few dangles she's really hot with. I wish she coughed more often with smoke in her face too. worth the money."

She's fabulous.

star star star star star
4 anni fa, per Eleuthero
"Sorry to repost this review which I posted erroneously on another Gwen video but here it is:
Gwen's drags are so huge that it takes her two or three exhales to clear her lungs. On the other hand sometimes she does one exhale which is followed by an enormous amount of residuals. That she's also eye candy and you've got a five-star video. I also love it she still smokes regular Marlboro Reds. Her lungs are cast iron and they'... More

Gwen, Smoking Fetish Goddess

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Mike Jewett
"Gwen delights with her huge cheek-hollowing drags, filling her sexy mouth and nicotine-starved lungs with her thick sexy creamy smoke. Her open mouth inhales are wildly sexy, and she just looks so incredibly hot with a strong Marlboro Red between her luscious lips."


star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Franki
"No está mal. El clip está muy bien en el contraste, enfoca bien la belleza de Gwen, hay muchas escenas en primer plano (de la cara de la modelo, lo cual lo veo bien porque Gwen es guapa y está muy bien maquillada etc..)Gwen inhala muy bien, muy sexy pero para nada tira el humo como para mi gusto debe ser, como por ejemplo Jen, Alba, Franchesca etc..Como siempre ha valido la pena esperar y ver otro trabajo de SSW que siempre m... More


star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Anonymous
"I completely agree with the observation above that the photo of this woman on the home page is the best photograph ever taken in the smoking arts industry. Or anywhere else, for that matter. Everything about it is wonderful and perfect, from the lighting to the composition to the pose to the view of the filter to the delicious view of breast and hint of nipple. But none of that could have been possible if Gwen herself weren't perfect. An... More

Make My Day, Gwen

star star star star star
10 anni fa, per Rusty
"Gwen, you "make my day" yet again! You are still as gorgeous as your earlier vids! I liked all the scenes, but especially the one with Gwen wearing the baseball cap. I dunno, something about a smokin' hott lady with long hair wearing a cap....all good again, SSW! Thanks to Gwen for yet another 5-star vid, imho. Gracias and saludos to Espana! Regards, Rusty."

No Variety

star star star star star
11 anni fa, per D
"I continue to buy your videos as there is more good than bad however I am finding more and more that he description does not really match the videos.

Gwen is stunning and is clearly a good smoker but I found the video repetitive and far from 'mastering all kinds of smoking techniques and tricks' mentioned in the description. With the exception of a few nose exhales and rings and some dangling I though there was not enough ... More