Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar
Alexia: Smoking Superstar


Modella: Alexia

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Video hd


Durata: 33 min.

HD: 974 MB / low: 245 MB

Alexia: Smoking Superstar

Video Preview

Alexia is the name of one of the shiniest smoking superstars at SmokingSweeties. She made her first appearance chain smoking in front of the camera with SmokingSweeties, 8 years before this video was released, when she was 24.

The video starts with an intimate scene with Alexia smoking chain 2 cigarettes while having a drink, seducing the camera during her double and triple drags, her wide open mouth inhales, followed with long holds. She looks like a modern Hollywood actress. She confesses how sexy and sensual she feels while smoking. She also decisively confesses that she uses to chain smoke while driving her car.

Along the second scene, Alexia chain smokes 6 cigarettes. In this part of the interview she reveals how she got the desire of smoke cigarettes when she was 15. It happened in Eastern Russia, where she grew up. Being a teenager she was amazed by the movie "Basic Instinct", which she watched every single night until falling asleep. In the privacy of her bedroom, accompanied by her fantasies, she repeated the process every single night. One night she decided to imitate the main actress of that movie (Sharon Stone), lighting up her first real cigarette and starting to truely inhale the smoke while imitating her, connecting with the character of the movie. Such process was repeated every single night, getting dizzy before sleep. Entirely addicted, a month later she started to smoke anywhere she went, like on a movie. She still dreams of being a superstar on the big screen, and we support her dream come true.

Along the third scene, Alexia flash smokes 3 cigarettes, repeatedly inflating her generous breasts, getting great pleasure from them. As usual, her fingers shake due to the nicotine rush she always expects to feel. She looks like a sweet innocent angel condemned to feel pleasure.

Questo video si può scaricare sia in alta definizione HD-1080p sia in HD-720p. Codec del video: MP4 (h264).
Misura: HD: 974 MB / low: 245 MB.
Codice del Video Clip ssw24-alexia
Questo video è incluso nel Smoking Girls Vol.24

13 opinioni 


star star star star star
5 anni fa, per Cody Bowersox
"I'm extremely appreciative that this site has hung around for enough years to continue filming these gorgeous women as they age,because right now alot of the original models are in their 30s and for me that is the sexiest decade for smoking women, the habit is long term but they still look fantastic and this video is a great example of that"

Magnífico vídeo

star star star star star
5 anni fa, per Joan Pick
"Si ves este vídeo estoy seguro de que te encenderás un cigarrillo. Es imposible resistirse a la tentación de fumar viendo a Alexia hacerlo de forma tan placentera, apasionada, con inhalaciones profundas, exhalaciones voluminosas... ¿Qué sentirá mientras lo hace? Es imposible quedarse inerte sin tratar de vivir la misma experiencia. Parece que quiere hacer contigo lo mismo que hizo "Instinto básico" con ella. No obstante hay algo que no se ... More

High Definition Exists for Alexia

star star star star star
5 anni fa, per That Dude Over There
"There are few things in life that can make me reflexively reach for my wallet on sight. I pulled up SSW and saw Alexia at the top of the page, and I didn't need to read the description or check out the pictures. What it cost was incidental. I just bought it, and as soon as the video started I knew it was the best decision I made today. Alexia is my favorite model on this site, and that's saying something given all the competition. She'... More

the one and only

star star star star star
5 anni fa, per Smileyblue
"This is another masterpiece from SSW. Alexia has evolved so well since her last video, she's more beautiful than ever (and a little skinnier). Her hypnotic beauty and divine sensuality have simply no equal in SF world. This girl and her cigarette are only one. Her mood seems better than in the previous videos and that makes her sexier and more playful (not that I didn't like the darkest feeling she had on ssw21, that brought a very intere... More

sexy and seductive qeen!

star star star star star
5 anni fa, per Scott Li
"i was so appreciate that after many years i still can seen my favorite sexy heavy smoking queen Alexia again! that was more exciting than won the lottery. Alexia was the most pretty , sexy and heavy smoking girl in the SSW, I purchased all her past video, so this video i just buy it when i first see it today. I really hope SSW can bring more previous models back , such as Francheza(another my favorite model).finally, I really appreciate again for... More

Tribute to our Stars

star star star star star
5 anni fa, per Redsky22
"I can't comment on the video because I haven't bought it yet, but I am giving 5 stars as thanks to Alexia for her previous films and her ongoing efforts on our behalf as fans of SS.
She is as cool and beautiful as ever and Im delighted she is still smoking for her (and our) pleasure.
A big thank you to her and the other stars of the show for their beauty, their smoking style, and their elegance.
I hope to review again... More

Best Christmas gift

star star star star star
5 anni fa, per Greets From Poland
"Great movie! It's actually the best Christmas gift for years ;) I wish I could marry her if I it's possible! Good job SSW but just one thing could be done better - Alexia has a superb body don't hide her legs and feets. Please show her as super sexi woman in full gracefulness in the future! To be honest the last scene while she seats and shows her legs is the best part of the video."

The best ever

star star star star star
5 anni fa, per Mil
"Alexia is absolutely amazing."


5 anni fa, per Anonymous
"Alexia is a wonderful woman, who smokes a lot sensual and sexy. You can see the great pleasure he has every time he smokes his cigarettes. His fleshy lips exailling smoke is a perfect combination. Alexia has a magnificent body and completely dominated by nicotine. More videos with Alexia."

video hermoso

star star star star star
5 anni fa, per Francisco Soler Diaz
"Hola otra vez, despues de mucho tiempor de no escribir mi opinión, ya que SSW dejó ésta página y no sé exactamente lo que ha pasado con él.
El sistema de filmacion de que se vea claramente la belleza, en éste caso de Alexia, sigue siendo muy buena. Ojalá se pudiera ver en 4k, seria una experiencia increible
Alexia, Ya ví el vidio que hizo hace unos años. Es una mujer increible, su belleza junto con su forma de actuar y fum... More

Desperate beautiful smoking

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Anonymous
"This is one of the sexiest smokers I have ever seen. Beautiful, desperate inhales and noisy exhales and a wonderful almost double pump as she tries to fill her pretty body with the nicotine she so desperately craves. Thankyou so much for sharing her with us"

When she will return?

star star star star star
Un anno fa, per Luke
"I have watched this video many times and I never get tired from her style and her beauty. Can we have another video with Alexia?"

We want to buy a new video of Alexia

star star star star star
5 mesi fa, per Cody Van Gogh
"I bet most of the community would agree that it is time to bring our beautiful smoking sweety Alexia back. We miss her a lot and we all wonder how much she has change since 2018. I bet she's got even hotter."