Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute
Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute


Modella: Alazne

star star star star star  13 opinioni

Video hd


Durata: 23 min.

HD: 690 MB / low: 169 MB

Alazne: Trascurando la propria salute

Video Preview

La forte fumatrice Alazne non si vedeva da più di un anno e mezzo. Questo video di 23 minuti, diviso in 3 scene, fa vedere come lei non abbia abbandonato il vizio durante questo periodo:

  • Scena 1: Alazne è seduta sul sofà mentre sfoglia un libro, fumandosi un paio di sigarette (accendendone una con l'altra). Si esibisce in tiri multipli e lunghi momenti in cui trattiene il fumo, per ottenere il giusto apporto di nicotina per il suo corpo.
  • Scena 2: ora sta giocando a Mikado mentre fuma altre 2 sigarette (ancora accendendone una con l'altra).
  • Scena 3: Alazne Alazne adesso è nel letto, mezza sveglia e mezza addormentata. Fuma 3 sigarette (ancora una volta ne accende una con l'altra), dimostrando come per lei sia importante soddisfare adeguatamente il suo desiderio di nicotina, anche appena sveglia.
Per la maggior parte del video vedrete come i segni del tanto fumare abbiano fatto effetto su Alazne, causandole ovvi disturbi di salute. Il suono delle sue vie respiratorie ostruite è particolarmente evidente in tutto il video, e qualche colpo di tosse compare tra un tiro e l'altro. Ma da vera fumatrice sembra non curarsi di questi problemi; continua a fumare, sempre di più, per soddisfare il bisogno giornaliero dei suoi polmoni.

Questo video si può scaricare sia in alta definizione HD-1080p sia in HD-720p. Codec del video: MP4 (h264).
Misura: HD: 690 MB / low: 169 MB.
Codice del Video Clip ssw21-alazne
Questo video è incluso nel Smoking Girls Vol.21

13 opinioni 

The ultimate smoking goddess

star star star star star
11 anni fa, per SirDoom
"To me Alanze is very beautiful. I have been involved in the smoking fetish community for about 20 years and have watched thousands of videos over those years. None of those girls can compare to Alazne and very few even come close. She can take in a tremendous amount of smoke, and it is believable that she smokes like this in everyday life. When she speaks you can hear her voice is smoke tinged and ultra sexy, her teeth are stained but that just s... More

Lost smoker

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Anonymous
"Where is Alazne? Alazne is a girl very addicted to tobacco. Great style as a smoker, she needs to feed her lungs with smoke. Excellent nose exhales. More videos with this great smoker and now I must be more addicted."

really good

star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Sfk
"I like the direction of this. The sound is amazing. The wheezing struggling breathing and coughs are great. She should talk some more though. those smoker teeth too.. wow."

Filter destroyer

star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Muppezz
"The most impressive thing about Alazne is the incredible amount of smoke she is able to inhale. Endless exhales and cigarettes' stained, nearly destroyed filters show how much smoke she can pump inside her lungs! Her style is not sexy and she's not the most beautiful model of this site, but if you like chain smoking, Alazne's videos are a must.
Finally, very appreciated the contrast between her pale skin and the red lipstick... More


8 anni fa, per Branon Yang
"First review here..but have to say Alazne is simply amazing. Her wheezing in this video is fantastic and super sexy. If you are into the dark side of things this video is a must have! Looking forward to hopefully an update with her :)."

The best on this site

star star star star star
6 anni fa, per Mik_1995
"I have all of Alazne's videos and she never disappoints. I will agree with others that she may not be the most attractive model on this site but I still find her very hot. No one in my opinion on this site can compare to her when it comes to smoking. She seems so greedy about how much smoke she pulls into her lungs. The wheezing and coughing in this video is extraordinary. I also will put here since the forums aren't working that I hope... More

re: The best on this site

5 anni fa, per XSDx
"I can't agree more, I've been waiting for what feels like an eternity to see Alazne return. It would be such a treat if she was to come back before the end of 2018."

re: re: The best on this site

5 anni fa, per Anonymous
"I agree, this video is by far my favorite and I'd love to see Alazne return! Please, please, please get her back on here!"

My kind of woman

star star star star star
10 anni fa, per I Luv Women Who Smoke
"I own all of Alazne's videos. I like her smoking style, her double and triple drags, her direct inhales. I felt that her showing the us filter was contrived and did nothing for me. I prefer women who are committed, long time smokers, i.e. Vanessa, Gwen, Raquel, etc. If you enjoy a woman who is willing to share with you her smoking style and a disregard for its consequence, this is a keeper. SSW, it is time for you to film an interview with he... More


star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Lovesmoking
"Esta mujer es increíble, que caladas más enormes, la cantidad de humo que inhala es exagerada. El mejor detalle sin ninguna duda son esos filtros tan tan NEGROS, la prueba que refleja que absorbe gran cantidad de humo, no hay nada más bonito que ver estos filtros tan manchados, enhorabuena SSW por este pedazo de trabajo y por traer de vuelta a esta increíble mujer que nos deja otra gran satisfacción. Sigue as&ia... More

please bring this gem back fran

Un anno fa, per Anonymous
"alazne is my all time favorite model on this site. her exotic looks, her smoking style, and the massive amounts of smoke she can take in is definitely something you really don’t see much in this fetish, it would be incredible if she made a comeback before 2023 ends."


star star star star star
11 anni fa, per Franki
"Me ha gustado el clip de Alzne, es una mujer que fuma bien, exhala e inhala bien. No es una de mis modelos favoritas pero es una mujer que me gusta fumando, es sexy. SSW no se ha currado mucho las escenas de cuerpo entero (que es matiz que me gusta mucho ), pero bueno por lo demas es, como siempre un buen trabajo. Gracias SSW y espero ver a Alazne pronto"

Sound, sound, sound

star star star star star
9 anni fa, per DdL
"While i don't find Alazne as attractive as some of the other girls in terms of looks or smoking style, this video is ALL ABOUT THE SOUND. Her wheeze is pretty hardcore and if this is your thing - you won't find a better video online."