Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important
Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important


Modèle: Eli

star star star star star  19 commentaires

Vidéo hd


Durée: 36 min.

HD: 1 GB / low: 260 MB

Eli: 15 ans de tabagisme important

Video Preview

Cette longue vidéo (36 minutes) présente Eli dans sa première session en solo. Il ya cinq scènes et dans chacune de celles ci, Eli affiche un tabagisme important, Eli porte des tenues différentes que vous pouvez admirer sous plusieurs angles de vue intéressants. Elle aime fumer de longues cigarettes car celles-ci garantissent de belles bouffées énergiques, un rythme rapide et soutenu, et donc un approvisionnement constant avec de grands volumes de fumée. Comme sa peau marquée par la fumée peut en témoigner, c'est bien là son style de tabagisme quotidien. Eli est en quelque sorte un modèle, une référence pour toutes les femmes grandes fumeuses qui fument depuis leur adolescence et apprécient plus que jamais le plaisir de fumer.

  • Scène 1: Eli est assise sur le canapé et est filmée de côté, ici elle fume une cigarette.
  • Scène 2: Eli fume deux cigarettes assise sur une chaise. Elle est ici filmée de face.
  • Scène 3: Eli se découvre un peu et vous permet ainsi d'admirer son corps sexy tout en fumant deux cigarettes. Deux angles de vue différents ici. Un vue de face, mise en miroir, et l'autre est filmée de profil.
  • Scène 4: Eli fume une cigarette, elle se trouve face à la caméra et répond à quelques questions au sujet de son tabagisme. Deux angles de vue différents sur un seul écran, il est possible pour vous de profiter deux fois plus de cette séduisante grande fumeuse.
  • Scène 5: Eli est filmée de face à nouveau alors qu'elle fume sa dernière cigarette. Ici, on peut à nouveau identifier clairement tous les aspects qui font d'Eli une adorable grande fumeuse: son style décomplexé, tout en sérénité, sa beauté et son tabagisme quotidien important, mais toujours parfaitement naturel.

Cette vidéo peut être téléchargée aussi bien en haute définition HD-1080 ou en définition 720p. Codec de la vidéo: MP4 (h264)
Taille de la Vidéo: HD: 1 GB / low: 260 MB.
Code de ce Clip Vidéo: ssw22-eli
Cette vidéo est aussi inclus dans: Smoking Girls Vol.22

19 commentaires 

The work of art!

Il ya 10 ans, par Fan
"I really would like to see her walking, smoking AND coughing topless. She is a goddess!"

Astonishing smokefilter

star star star star star
Il ya 10 ans, par P96
"Well, she is pretty, she is young (although my own reflection is that her lungs have filtered so much tar thhroughout the years that the skin is somewhat yellowish. She doesnt smoke in any spectacualr way in tyerms of style, just effeiciently avoids any visible breaths of air as she takes enormous drags over and over.

The big question to me is how she can avoid coughing, she has to be amonng the top 5 smokers in terms of intensity... More

Hispanic Hottie

star star star star star
Il ya 10 ans, par Italian Male
"Eli proves once again that Hispanic women are the Hottest. There is not a flaw to her beauty that can be detected in this video.
Black gorgeous hair with classical Latin beauty cannot be compared: may she make many more videos!"

Beautiful Smoker

star star star star star
Il ya 10 ans, par ThePwnerMan
"Love her curves. Love her smoking style."
9 I like · I dislike · Répondre

Gorgeous Girl

star star star star star
Il ya 10 ans, par Fetishist
"Eli is deserving of this long video: gorgeous face, black hair with sexy bangs, voluptuous curves from every angle and sizzling acting ability.
Gorgeous girl exuding sensuality--Bravo!"
8 I like · I dislike 1 · Répondre

Hungry Smoker

star star star star star
Il ya 9 ans, par Robert
"Eli is a hungry smoker who constantly direct inhales smoke into her lungs. You can see the effects of her many years of smoking in her voice and skin. She does only mouth exhales. Nice closeups of her stained filters. Nice job SSW."
7 I like · I dislike 1 · Répondre

Your best yet

star star star star star
Il ya 9 ans, par Steve
"Thanks for this video.

I think this is your best ever. No tricks, nothing extreme, just a beautiful woman smoking cork 100's in a natural way, in nice settings with great lighting and emphasis.

More like this please :)"
6 I like · I dislike · Répondre

Very Hot Vid

star star star star star
Il ya 10 ans, par Anonymous
"Eli set a new bar in the level of beauty. Her gorgeous face and body are superb for viewing.

She ought to make many videos for the benefit of mankind."
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Il ya 10 ans, par John
"I have been hoping Eli would come back to us and this video is great...id only repeat what others have said....5 stars [ the form i get does not let me put stars in so again 5 stars ]"
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made more beautyful by smoking!

star star star star star
Il ya 9 ans, par Premature
"The description of this Video alludes to this goddesses smoke affected skin, her skin is absolutely gorgeous! on the HD version in the facial close ups this is very evident. One of the finest examples of smoking beautifying a lady one can see! her facial skin especially over her cheek bones is superbly marked , she has achieved true non reversible female smokers skin perfection!"
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Lovely Video

star star star star star
Il ya 7 ans, par Redsky22
"Beautiful woman, would look amazing smoking topless or in a see through top.
Delicious pulls and exhales from a very classy woman.
Its probably too late to hope for another video, but I at least have this one and the one with the equally beautiful Lorena!!"
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The perfection

star star star star star
Il ya 3 ans, par Luis
"An incredible natural beauty, a smile that captivates and a body of scandal. You can't ask a girl for more. For me, the best video of all. I wish there were many more from Eli."
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star star star star star
Il ya 3 ans, par AD
"Eli is an incredibly beautiful smoker who loves it so much you will just keep wanting to see more! If she was in the smoking Olympics she would win medals for sure as she looks like she can't live without it! Enjoy this chain smoking exhibition!"
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Smoking Beauty

star star star star star
Il ya 2 ans, par Gaius Pulchritudo
"Eli is a fantastic smoking beauty. Definetely liked her in her duo with hot friend Lorena, but glad she gets a solo here.

The first scene is great, mostly profile smoking in a top which shows her abundant breasts rising and falling as she inhales and enjoys her smoke. Second scene is right at you, across the table, showing some interest, but her cigarette first of course. We get to see what looks like the same scene again from an... More
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star star star star star
Il ya 10 ans, par Franki
"Eli es una mujer fumadora muy guapa. Ella me sorprende por sus grandes caladas, me ha dejado con la boca abierta cuando ella empienza sus caladas tan profundas. Todo en su conjunto hace que Eli sea muy sexy, tiene un buen cuerpo, una cara preciosa y fuma muy bién. Me ha gustado que SSW haya hecho un Gb de alta calidad de una excelente fumadora como es Eli. Espero con muhca impaciencia otros clips de ella. Por otro lado el clip ha sido muy creati... More
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Awesome art work

Il ya 10 ans, par Nicolas Bonneau
"Eli is beauty, but not a stunning woman. She smokes without any tricks, which is not bad for me.
But she smokes really intensly, deeply.
Perfect nails, I just miss some red lips.

The direction, split screen are awesome, as the sound and the HD.
She's shy but seems more at ease during the interview.
I just regret that the questions don't go deeply in her sensations, and first experience.r />

Best Video

star star star star star
Il ya 8 mois, par Baggan
"This video is my all time favorite on this site. She is very pretty and is really used to smoking cigarettes. You can see she is very addicted to nicotine. Her way of smoking is very forced. Her body is screaming for nicotine.". She has already signs of a smokers face. some wrinkles and some spots. Though she has a beautiful figure, she is very attractive, and a bit shy. I wonder how she is doing now it almost has been 10 years..."

Lack of Snaps and Rings

star star star star star
Il ya 10 ans, par SnapRing
"Unfortunately this video lack of snaps and smoke rings, please try to find more models that performs snaps and rings, thanks Fran"

re: Lack of Snaps and Rings

Il ya 10 ans, par Anonymous
"But we all have slightly different tastes. I don't like rings at all."